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About LAGO

The LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory) project is an extended Astroparticle Observatory at global scale. It is mainly oriented to basic research on three branches of Astroparticle physics: the Extreme Universe, Space Weather phenomena, and Atmospheric Radiation at ground level.

The LAGO detection network consists in single or small arrays of particle detectors at ground level, spanning over different sites located at significantly different latitudes (currently from Mexico up to the Antarctic region) and different altitudes (from sea level up to more than 5000 meters over sea level), covering a huge range of geomagnetic rigidity cut-offs and atmospheric absorption/reaction levels.

The LAGO Project is operated by the LAGO Collaboration, a non-centralized and distributed collaborative network of more than 80 scientist from more than 25 institutions of 9 latinamerican countries (currently Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. See the complete list of the collaboration members and their institutions).

Finally, detectors installed in various universities are used as a tool to teach students about particle and astroparticle physics, in particular by leading them to the measurement of the muon decay.


Technical information is available in the Lago wiki, our working tool (not foreseen for General Public, as it is currently under development and for now is very technical).

A list of publications from the LAGO collaboration and its members is available, as well as some LAGO talks, where a lot of information can be found.

Finally, an historical news page lists LAGO milestones as they have been reached.