LAGO Documents¶
- The Latin American Giant Observatory as an Observational Alternative at High Altitude (Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series 40, 135-140, 2011)
- LAGOVirtual: A Collaborative Environment for Latin American Giant Observatory (Proceedings of the Second EELA-2 Conference)
- Operating Water Cherenkov Detectors in high altitude sites for Latin American Giant Observatory (Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz 2009)
- Latin American Giant Observatory (Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz 2009)
- Water Cherenkov Detectors response to a Gamma Ray Burst in Latin American Giant Observatory (Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Lodz 2009)
- Latin American Giant Observatory (AIP Conf. Proc. -- April 30, 2009 -- Volume 1123, pp. 197-203)
- Use of water-Cherenkov detectors to detect Gamma Ray Bursts at the Large Aperture GRB Observatory (LAGO) (Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 595 (2008), pp. 70-72)
- Looking for the high energy component of GRBs at Latin American Giant Observatory (ICRC 2007)
- The Large Aperture GRB Observatory, Actas del Workshop Astronomía Observacional en Argentina: Problemas y Perspectivas, 2006, P. Benaglia, & S. Cellone, eds. (in spanish)
Other Documents¶
Documents relative to the physics by LAGO members:
- Diseño y caracterización de un detector de muones combinado: Water Cherenkov y paletas centelladoras (Laboratorio 7, Departamento de fı́sica-FCEyN UBA. Ailı́n Sansalone, Carmina Pérez Bertolli. Julio 2019)
- Simultaneous observation at sea level and at 5200 m.a.s.l. of high energy particles in the South Atlantic Anomaly (Astroparticle Physics 34 (2010) 40-47s)
- Detecting gamma-ray bursts with the Pierre Auger Observatory using the single particle technique (CRIS 2006)
- Detecting gamma-ray bursts with the Pierre Auger Observatory using the single particle technique (ICRC 2005)
- Search for Gamma Ray Bursts at Sierra la Negra, Mexico (ICRC 2005)
- Detection of GRB with Water Cherenkov Detectors (RICH 2004, NIM A, Volume 553, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-380, 11 November 2005)
- Cosmic Ray Observations at Chacaltaya and Cerro la Negra Combined with the Pierre Auger and Milagro Observatories: GRBs and Search for Cosmic Ray Correlations (CP 566, AIP 2001)
Other documents by LAGO members:
- Implementación de un Repositorio de Datos Científicos usando Dspace (e-colabora 1, 101-117, 2011)
Related documents of interest:
- Search for GeV Gamma Ray Bursts at Mount Chacaltaya (ICRC 2001)
- Detection of gamma-ray bursts in the 1 GeV - 1 TeV energy range by ground-based experiments (Astroparticle Physics 13 (2000) 75-86)